Womens in Technology

Women in tech seem to be one of the most controversial subjects in tech right now. There are loads of success stories in the start up world and most of them are started by men. Take a look at Google, Facebook and Apple – these are massive companies that have become brands and they were started by men. We need to think about how the tech industry can encourage more women founders. 

Here are three reasons why women need to be involved more in the tech world:

  1. Diversity:  Women are known to be the financial decision makers in an average household. This means that more women involved will create diversity in consumer choices. If more start ups include women in decision-making processes or if there are more women founders, there will be more diversity in the types of start up businesses that we see. 
  2. Different types of start up businesses: If there are more women founders in tech, we would probably have different types of businesses besides the typical social network businesses that have popped up. Women founders could get involved in business-to-consumer start ups that speak to women and other demographics whose needs are not being met by the majority of start ups on the market at the moment. 
  3. Evens the landscape: Whether women need start up capital from unsecured loans or they choose to go to venture capital instead, it’s crucial for women to get access to start up funds in order to smooth out the gender landscape. 

One of the biggest issues of women and start ups is the fact that there need to be more women encouraged to do engineering and computer science related degrees. If the lack of women is obvious in the start up world, it is because at university, women are not found. University colleges need to encourage more women to apply for computer science degrees and venture capital firms have to go out of their way to find more women founders to invest in. Alternatively, women founders can also turn to online cash advances to boost their start up dreams.

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